ETI Research

Audio Creative Reviews ETI Research Connectors

Audio Creative Reviews ETI Research Connectors

In recent times, Audio Creative Magazine out of the Netherlands has run a couple of reviews on ETI Research products. In September of 2020 they reviewed ETI Research RCA connectors, and concluded:

“Sound-wise, the ETI connectors are just very good. I was surprised that the ETI Link (copper) performed just as well as the WBT silver. Are you looking for a good connector, which sounds very good I would definitely consider this connector.”

This is indeed, high praise for our Copper Link RCA connector, however, their praise of the ETI Research Kryo RCA connector:

“All I can say is that one connector just sounds better sounding better and leaves the other two behind. That’s the ETI Kryo RCA. This ETI Kryo RCA ensures a better sound balance, a more precise reproduction and a more spatial music image. It is not the cheapest connector from the test, but if you want a good connector that also sounds very good, then it is well worth the extra cost.”

Read the full review here



In April 2021 they reviewed the ETI Research Kryo XLR connector and concluded:

“The interlink with the ETI Kryo XLR is a very nice cable with enormous transparency and gives a beautiful picture of space and detail.”

Read the full review here