In recent times, Audio Creative Magazine out of the Netherlands has run a couple of reviews on ETI Research products. In September of 2020 they reviewed ETI Research RCA connectors, and concluded:
“Sound-wise, the ETI connectors are just very good. I was surprised that the ETI Link (copper) performed just as well as the WBT silver. Are you looking for a good connector, which sounds very good I would definitely consider this connector.”
This is indeed, high praise for our Copper Link RCA connector, however, their praise of the ETI Research Kryo RCA connector:
“All I can say is that one connector just sounds better sounding better and leaves the other two behind. That’s the ETI Kryo RCA. This ETI Kryo RCA ensures a better sound balance, a more precise reproduction and a more spatial music image. It is not the cheapest connector from the test, but if you want a good connector that also sounds very good, then it is well worth the extra cost.”
In April 2021 they reviewed the ETI Research Kryo XLR connector and concluded:
“The interlink with the ETI Kryo XLR is a very nice cable with enormous transparency and gives a beautiful picture of space and detail.”